Inviting your clients to meet you at Music China 2023 has never been easier
E-card display Language
With our e-invitation system, you can now send out a mass invitation to your valued customers to visit your booth at Music China from 11 – 14 October 2023 with just a few clicks!
To send this e-invitation, please follow these simple steps
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.

Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
Step 8.
Select the language which the receiver(s) will view
Input the password
Input receiver's name, email and company
Click "Add Contact" to input next receiver. The system can send up to 20 receivers per time
Input contact details, company website and upload company/brand logo
Input your message to receiver(s)
Click the "PREVIEW" button to check and preview the card
Click "Submit" to proceed or "Return" to edit
We suggest sending one test email before sending your mass e-invitations.
Should you encounter any difficulties sending this e-invitation card, please email music@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com
Receiver(s) (Maximum 20 per time):
(Receiver Name)* (Receiver Email)* (Receiver Company Name)*
Add Contact
*All are compulsory items
Your contact details:
Company Name  (sender company) *
Booth Number  (sender booth location)
Contact Person  (contact person at the fair) *
Email  (sender email) *
Company Website
Upload your company logo
(.jpg format, maximum width:200 pixels, maximum height: 80 pixels)

Your message to receiver(s) (up to 2 rows):